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Testi di Vilma Torselli su "Antithesi", giornale online di critica d'architettura.
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Milano, apre il Museo delle Illusioni, con incredibili installazioni, illusioni visive, giochi e rompicapi. |
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In Italia
Al Palazzo Ducale di Genova, dal 9 settembre 2021 al 20 febbraio 2022 grande mostra di Maurits Cornelis Escher. |
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Antonio Ricci, intervista
pubblicato il 14/08/2008 |
Il testo dell'intervista rilasciata
ad un prestigioso magazine d'arte che segnala ai collezionisti
notizie ed informazioni sui più interessanti artisti
contemporanei. |
magazine d'arte online pubblicato da David Jacobson con il
supporto dell'International Art Association Artist Universal,
ha dedicato un'intervista all'artista isernino Antonio Ricci.
ArtElite si rivolge sia agli artisti, che possono reperirvi
utili indicazioni su concorsi, esposizioni, eventi d'arte,
sia ai collezionisti, ai quali vengono segnalati gli artisti
che dal punto di vista della redazione meritano più
Ecco il testo dell'intervista ad Antonio Ricci:
Can you tell me about your childhood and what it
was like for you to grow up?
Antonio Ricci: Growing up has been very hard for
me, both for domestic reasons, and for my family’s economic
situation. When I was five years old I have been put into
the local boarding school, when I was eight my parents divorced
and I was forced to choose with whom I wanted to live. This
is only a single mention of my upbringing. Becoming an adult
has been a sacrifice day by day.
What did your parents do for a living?
Antonio Ricci: I was born from Ricci Ottavio and
Paone Pasqualina, after my birth (1958) my parents were very
poor. They were born in Scapoli (a small village near Isernia,
now very famous for bagpipe craft) and they had to play the
bagpipe and beg for small amounts of money all around Italy,
in order to survive for the rest of the year.
All this lasted till 1964, when they divorced. Together with
our sweet mother we started a very hard life.
Did your parents influence your artistic abilities?
Antonio Ricci: Sincerely speaking I do not believe
that my artistic skills have been influenced by my parents.
I think this was a power that came out from me, exerting a
positive influence.
Anyway I remember my mother's happiness when I bought my first
canvas and some art materials.
Why did you choose to study art?
Antonio Ricci:I decided to study art in my early
years at school, when I realized I loved so much drawing and
mixing colours, but it was also causing economic troubles
to my family...
I've always thought study is an important starting point for
my artistic path, and I usually wanted to paint anything I